Click a on question below:
- What is Netiquette?
- Who is required to follow rules of Netiquette?
- Why doesn't everyone follow rules of Netiquette?
- How do I remember the rules?
- When will I need to follow these rules?
- Where can I find more information on Netiquette?
1 What is "Netiquette ?
Etiquette refers to common sense rules of behavior (manners) when people interact with other people in daily life. Netiquette refers to how people should interact with other people when on the computer over the Internet. This means in emails, guest book entries, or discussion forums. It is old fashioned common sense with a few Internet specific areas of concern:
- Using all capital letters in a message is considered shouting. DO NOT USE CAPITAL LETTERS! (See what I mean?)
- Be respectful of the opinions of others. Do not use improper, insulting or threatening or hateful language.
- Lead by example!
As I said before, once you think about it, it is just common sense!
2. Who is required to follow rules of Netiquette ?
Again, it's common sense. Everyone should be polite at all times, so we'd expect everyone to follow the rules of Netiquette.
3. Why doesn't everyone follow rules of Netiquette ?
In life, there are some people who simply do not respect others. There are also some folks who think that they are always right and feel it is their right to blast others who do not agree with them. You can help turn things around. Follow some of these rules:
- Do not reply to someone who is rude. It will only egg them on.
- Always express yourself with proper respect for the person you are writing to.
- Lead by example!
4. How do I remember the rules?
This is easy...
- You can refer to this page until you feel comfortable about it.
- Simply treat others the way you expect to be treated.
5. When will I need to follow these rules?
You will strictly follow these rules any time you are on the computer, whether at home, in school, at the library or a friend's house. Anywhere!
6. Where can I find more information on Netiquette ?
You can click on these links to get you started: